December 3rd, 2000 - Dammon
- - Argh!?! where does the time go? The semester just started
it seems.... and it's already time for finals =( Needless to
say we both totally neglected this site hehhe. oh well sorreeee
- September 27th, 2000 - Neo-ohki
- - New link posted in the Links
page. Also, we have our first quote of the day, posted below.
Here's another interesting bit of news: apparently, a third
Tenchi Muyo series is in the works. This is an excerpt from
AIC Love Magazine:
"Tenchi Muyo! (something supreme demon) Third series. Listen
to fan's chants! Production has already started on the new series
of Tenchi Muyo, in response to the 1500 votes from a reader
poll. We are now investigating on progress about this new series."
Thanks to [email protected]
for both submissions.
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Hiya! I'm Kiyone from the Galaxy
Police. I've finally gotten Mihoshi off my back, so now I
have the chance to introduce this page to you. TenchiFlare
is the only anime site that satisfies all your unbridled lusts
and desires for Tenchi Muyo. That's probably more than you
want, but NP. Get the latest in Tenchi Muyo news, episode/movie
information, and music files in our extensive mp3 library.
It's all here! Enjoy your stay. *mwah*
Thanks for all the input on the movie, it seems a lot of ppl
would prefer it dubbed. I would have uploaded it a long time
ago if only we had a good place to do it.... i guess i'll have
to upload it to FreeDiskSpace or something.
New contest!
Here's how it'll work. Email funny Tenchi quotes to us, and we'll pick
the ones we like best. The quotes can be from any Tenchi series. Each
day, a new quote will be featured on the main page along with your name
and, if you have one, website address. You'll risk *cough* absolutely "nothing" by entering this contest, so if you want your 15 minutes of fame, start submitting =) GW GW GW GW :Q :Q :Q :Q :Q :Q
Quote of the Day: "Now you don't have to hide it
honey ... now I call this hard evidence, don't you?" - Ryoko pinning Tenchi to the ground.
Teehee! Here are some pics of us on battle.net, we are
+mirager+ &
Baiko : Screenshot - 1