Seiyuu (Voice Actor):   Orikasa Ai
English Version:   Petra Buchard
      Ryoko is the spiky, green-haired demoness
who fell out of the sky one day and landed in poor Tenchi Masaki's life.
Her name means "demon caller" in Japanese, which she does when she has
thejewels that provide her with power on her wrist. In the OVA series,
she was locked in a cave at the Masaki shrine for 700 years until she
was released one day by a very curious Tenchi Masaki. She had been placed
there by Tenchi's grandfather, Yosho, who had captured her long ago
because of space crimes that she had committed while under the influence
of Kagato (although both the Tenchi TV spin-offs have different versions
of their encounter).
      Once released from the shrine, she haves a little
fun with Tenchi, and reveals her true form to him after school. She
fires bolts of lightning at him and burns down most of the school in
the process. It wasn't until the light-hawk sword was accidently activated
by Tenchi and cut off the jewel on Ryoko's wrist did she finally surrender.
      According to the OVA's, she is the result of Washu
combining her ovum with that of an alien creature called the "Mass,"
and at least 2000 years old. Ryoko is very short tempered, and often
fights with her rival, Ayeka, for Tenchi, for whom she has grown to
love a great deal.
      As far as voice acting goes, I thought the original
Japanese dialogues were excellent, with Orikasa Ai doing an excellent
job portraying the playfulness/mischief in Ryoko's voice. I watched
some of the english version episodes, such as the ones the cartoon network
is showing now, and I had to say it was incredibly awful. The english
voice actor didn't have the same feel for the character as the japanese
version had accomplished so well. One of the things I liked most about
Tenchi Muyo was the superb voice acting involved, and in my opinion,
if u only watch the english dubbed episodes, you are missing out on
an important part of the show. Orikasa Ai does a great deal of singing
for the show, such as the theme at the end of the OVA series, and also
a great deal for the Universe series. The english versions aren't even
close to being on par with the japanese version in quality.